Phyllis Court - Sunday 6th

Performance Site: Room inside

Details of Performers: Lucie Henwood's Average Wife Band

Phyllis Court - Sunday 6th



The first warm and indoors night of this year’s Living Advent saw the audience congregate in the Finlay Suite at Phyllis Court, were our kind hosts treated everyone to mulled wine and nibbles. Fundraising for the evening was on behalf of Regatta for the Disabled, and after Richard Rodway welcomed everybody, Michael Pooley spoke to the audience about the charity.

Richard Rodway then opened the doors to the main ballroom at Phyllis Court and invited the audience to enter the room, where jazz band ‘The Average Wife Band’ led by Lucie Henwood were awaiting them. The band treated the 160 plus audience to an uplifting set including the Beatles’ “Got to Get You Into My Life” and Dusty Springfield’s “Son of a Preacher Man”. There was very much a party atmosphere as people took to the dance floor to join in with celebrations.

Richard Rodway presided over the raffle with Mayor Lorraine Hillier and the Living Advent’s and Regatta for the Disabled very own Carolyn Molyneux, with prizes kindly donated by Phyllis Court and the charity.

Now through the quarter way stage of this year’s event already, night 7 takes us to d:two for the first of two visits, where we will be fundraising for Nomad and where The Good Shelf Company will be kindly partnering on the first occasion.

Every evening Dec 1st - 24th, 6:15 to 6:45pm

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