Circus Act from Camp Mohawk - 11th December
“And now for something completely different” ! For the first time, the Living Advent Calendar had jugglers performing for the delight, especially, of the children in the audience. Two very talented performers came from 'Circus' Mohawk, demonstrating the circus and juggling skills that they teach to the children who go to Camp Mohawk (one of this year’s charities). The crowd encircling them to watch, just outside the Henley Library at the King's Road Car Park, and the Friends of Badgemore Primary School offered very popular glasses of prosecco and cheese and salami. You just never know what surprise is going to appear at the Living Advent Calendar !
12 December 2012
Richard Young
December 12, 2012 10:45 am
Last nights Living Advent Calendar was amazing. Without doubt the best night yet. Kates costume and poi was fantastic and when she used the lit up poi she could have been a sorcerer from a fantasy computer game. Matts juggling with lit up balls looked brilliant since you could not see his hands all the time in the dark, and so it looked like magic.