Henley Fire Station -
Saturday 19th

 Performance Site: In the Forecourt

Partner: The Cookcurry Club

Details of Performers: Rioga Academy
Henley Fire Service

Henley Fire Station - Saturday 19th



There were 2 treats in store behind the 19th Advent door at Henley Fire Station.

Ahead of the main performance at 6:15pm, the gathering audience were treated to some Irish dancing from a trio from Rioga Academy. Sponsors The Head Partnership Solicitors were partnering on the night and Richard Rodway of the Head Partnership and Living Advent provided the audience with pastries, and lollies for the children.

Richard Rodway introduced Chris Wilcox of Camp Mohawk, to talk about the charity that fundraising was for on the night.

The Henley Fire Service then performed a tongue in cheek demonstration, rescuing Santa who had got himself stranded on the roof top of the station. The station engine arrived with blue lights and siren blaring. Santa then gave a safety talk before being thanked for his efforts with a bucket of water!

There was then an opportunity for children to inspect the engine and station, and meet Drago the dragon!

Next up, and the Living Advent returns to d:two, fundraising for Nomad again.

Every evening Dec 1st - 24th, 6:15 to 6:45pm

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