La Barca - Wednesday 7th

Performance Site: In front of Restaurant on the Terrace

Details of Performer:
Sinodun Players

Erica Harley

La Barca - Wednesday 7th



Setting the scene... We are going to take you to far far away to the town of Peking where lives Widow Twanky and her wonderful son Aladdin and Wishy Washy. They are very very poor...

They live in a topsy turvey world, when along comes evil uncle Abanaza who promises riches beyond belief and takes Aladdin off to a cave where he is locked in... but escapes and comes back with lots of jewels and builds the Emperor a new palace. Aladdin is very much in love with Jasmine but then... the palace and princess Jasmine all disappear in a puff of smoke and Aladdin is arrested for his crimes.

Every evening Dec 1st - 24th, 6.15 to 6.30pm

Click here for map.