d:two - Sunday 21st

 Performance Site: Inside

Details of Performers: d:two

d:two - Sunday 14th



Fittingly, on the last Sunday before Christmas, the Living Advent visited d:two Baptist church where another large audience of over 100 was treated to a nativity production, but with a modern twist with a contemporary, and at times amusing,narration, which at one point referred to ‘Herod having a hissy’.

The audience were served mince pies and mulled wine on arrival, and chocolate at the end of the performance. Many stayed on for a traditional carol concert that followed.

Richard Rodway and Roger Cole of d:two (who played the part of King Herod in the nativity) conducted the raffle, with prizes donated by Knox & Eames accountants (champagne), Waitrose (chocolates) and Elizabeth Cleall Interior Design (aromatics).

Next up, it is on to Henley Hawks rugby club for night 22.

Every evening Dec 1st - 24th, 6:15 to 6:45pm

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