Saint Mary's - Thursday 24th

Performance Site: In front of Church entrance

Details of Performers: Saint Mary's Church Chior

Saint Mary's - Thursday 24th



A large crowd gathered outside of Saint Mary’s Church for the final night of the Living Advent, and with another bumper night of charitable donations (this time with donations being divided between the Mayor’s 3 charities – Teenage Wilderness Trust; Thames Valley Animal Welfare; Oxfordshire Mind), the total fundraising of the Living Advent across the 24 nights broke the £5,000.00 barrier, which is a fabulous achievement, given that the event has not previously surpassed £4,000.00.

Richard Rodway welcomed the audience and thanked them for their spirit and generosity. He also thanked the event sponsors, incuding CTC-Aspire, and other contributors, and the Living Advent team – Hugh Legh, Liz Cleall, Carolyn Molyneux, Keith Douglas, and the other marshalls who help out night after night.

Father Martyn then took over compering proceedings. As well as providing a fun festive reading, he introduced the choir to perform some seasonal favourites including O Come All Ye Faithful.

Mayor Lorraine Hillier then brought the curtain down on festivities for 2015, whilst the choir provided some mince pies and Hugh Legh entertained the audience with an artificial snow lizzard.

Every evening Dec 1st - 24th, 6:15 to 6:45pm

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